Before our parishioners graduate high school, we want them to seek out life’s big questions and encounter Jesus Christ in the answers, to have an authentic connection with mentors, peers, and the Catholic Church through small groups, and to be equipped with the Holy Spirit through Confirmation. Sustained on daily prayer, the sacraments, and a desire for holiness, our graduates will be sent out to the world as missionaries and disciples.
Did you know?
50% of baptized Catholics under 30 have officially left the Church. 79% of those who leave, do so by age 23. —USCCB, 2019
85% of Confirmed Catholics stop practicing their faith within 10 years of Confirmation.” - Dynamic Catholic, 2013
13 is the average age when people decide they will leave the Church. - CARA Research, 2016
39% of Catholics attend Mass on a given Sunday. - Gallup, 2018
So let’s write a new story...
“Be Not Afraid! Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure!” – St. John Paul II
Many teens and young adults leave the Church because they feel out of place or they struggle with the Church’s teachings. But most leave because they never had an encounter with the Trinity. Christianity is so much more than ethics and routine - it’s about mission, adventure, boldness, worship, holiness, and discovering who God is and who He is calling you to be. Can you imagine what our parish would be like if every one of our teens experienced the Trinity in that way? Let’s find out...
Before they graduate high school, we want each teen to have the opportunity to:
At Alpha, ask and discuss life’s biggest questions in an honest, respectful environment; meet new friends, hear the Gospel message and have the chance to respond.
Get connected to the parish and peers in a small group. This group of 6-8 students (same gender, same grade) and 1 leader will ideally meet together for a few years. Students will get to choose the topics they want to study in light of Scripture and Church teaching.
Be equipped to go out and “set the world on fire” (St. Catherine of Siena) through the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Lead in our parish, and/or join a special small group to help you prepare for college and beyond by learning how to defend the faith, how to pray in new ways, and preach the Gospel.
2020 - 2021
FALL 2020
Alpha - any student who has not completed Alpha, is invited to join us for this 8-session series. Alpha is a pre-requisite to Confirmation.
Connect - freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who have completed Alpha are invited to join a connect small group for the year (or semester).
Alpha - any student who has not completed Alpha, is invited to join us for this 8-session series. Alpha is a pre-requisite to Confirmation.
Connect - freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who have completed Alpha are invited to join a connect small group for the year (or semester).
Confirmation - juniors who have completed Alpha can begin preparing to receive Confirmation in April. We will meet 3x for 4 hours, which includes Mass, lunch, discussion, and prayer.
2019 - 2020
FALL 2019
ALPHA KICKOFF - All high school students were invited to go through Alpha. Alpha met 8 Sunday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm from September-December with an overnight retreat. Alpha is a pre-requisite to Confirmation.
Following completion of Alpha, 9th and 10th grade students were invited to join a spring small group. Juniors began preparing for Confirmation. Our Spring plans were somewhat derailed with the outbreak of Covid-19. Small groups planned to meet 6x in the spring and Confirmation planned to meet 5x. A new session was also started.
Still have questions?
All parents are highly encouraged to meet with Sarah to better understand our vision. Sarah is available to meet 6 days a week throughout August. Contact Sarah to make other arrangements.
Find schedules, promo videos, and more information on our regular youth ministry page!

Life with CHrist is a wonderful adventure!