of the
Good Shepherd
Christ King | St. Bernard | St. Pius X

"Respect for the child's nature, which God Himself demands of us, compels us to search most carefully for those conditions in which children can abandon themselves most easily to God."
-Dr. Maria Montessori
What Makes CGS Different?

Children are welcomed into a prepared and prayerful environment called the "Atrium."
The Atrium is specially curated to meet your child's specific spiritual and developmental needs.
The hands-on materials help the child and adult ponder the mysteries of our faith found in the Scriptures and the Liturgy.
The trained catechists that are present take the role of "co-listener" along side the child when pondering these mysteries.
The Atria are mixed aged groups (K3-K5 in Level 1, 1st-2nd Grade (or through First Communion) in Level 2, and after First Communion through 5th Grade in Level 3).
What Will My Child Learn?
Level 1 (K3-K5)
In Level 1, we begin our time together by focusing on "Practical Life" materials that encourage growth in the young child's fine motor development. These materials include pouring, spooning, and transferring. All of these materials lay the ground work for future work in the Atrium.
Then, we look at various themes that include:
The Liturgical Colors
The Altar
Geography of the Land of Israel
Stories from Jesus' Infancy & Childhood
Parables of the Kingdom of God
The Good Shepherd
Baptism & More!
Level 2 (1st-2nd or through First Communion)
In Level 2, we build upon the foundational themes of Level 1 through the lens of "the History of the Kingdom of God"--the big picture that is set in history and time, which are developmental needs of a Level 2 child.
Additional themes include:
The History and Gifts of the Kingdom of God
The Holy Bible​
The Moral Parables and the Moral Life
Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation & the Eucharist
The Holy Mass & More!
Level 3 (After First Communion-5th)
In Level 3, we continue to build upon the themes pondered in Levels 1 & 2. In addition, we look at our role as human beings in the Plan of God and are called to reflect on our unique role that God has called us to play in the Kingdom of God.
Additional themes include:
Old Testament Typology Studies​
The Virtues
More on the Holy Mass
Communal Prayer
The Sacraments & More!

Current Program Offerings
2023-2024 COMING SOON!
How You Can Help!

Is your heart stirring with a desire to get involved in some way?
Here are some ways you can support this mission that reaches the youngest disciples of our community:
Begin the discernment process to become a Catechist in the Atrium. This starts with an initial meeting to discuss the steps of discernment and training needed.
Become an assistant in the Atrium.
Make materials (i.e. Calligraphy, Painting, Woodworking, Peg Doll Painting, Sewing, Thrift store shopping, etc.).
Purchase materials from our WISH LIST.