This week started our Kid's small group year! As we settle into the year together, I hope to provide you with a weekly summary of what the children are up to in small groups.
The main focus this week was to get to know each other and set the tone for the year. Children also received their own Bibles (Grades 1-5) that they will bring with them each week to use---from the feedback of our small group leaders it seems that the children were so excited to receive their very own Bible!
The groups also discussed why the Bible is important--that it is God's Word to us--and how we hold and treat this special book. They also learned how to look up a verse in the Bible---this is outlined on a sheet that they should have brought home in their folders.
Next week, we will explore another way we can grow in a deeper friendship with Christ--through the different "seasons" of our Church year.
In Christ,
Sam & the Small Group Leaders