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Family Program Recap: Being Intentional and Created for Mission

Writer's picture: elazemselazems

We had a great kick-off to our new family program on Sunday. 20 families from all three parishes (St. Bernard, St. Pius X, and Christ King) came together for a pot luck lunch, some fun minute-to-win-it games, a brief talk and some intentional family work time.

We are laying the ground work for how to practically live out our faith within our family life. Our lives are busy. It is hard to make the time to intentionally talk about and create a plan for being the "primary teachers/catechists" for our children. Family Program allows you to schedule the time with your family to have these intentional conversations once a month.

I shared how I love the "snooze" button. Just 5 more minutes...just 10 more minutes. Sometimes that 10 minutes turns into 20 and then my whole morning routine is messed up. If I sleep in, I don't exercise or pray. I don't get that "me" time in the morning that helps me be a better wife and a better mother. I put off those important things--like exercise and prayer--and as a result, my life feels more chaotic. I lose focus on what is important and I begin to say "yes" to everything instead of knowing my mission, my focus.

This happens in our families, doesn't it? We are pulled in a million directions--school, work, sports, activities, social engagements. We say yes to all the things because our culture tells us we need to, instead of intentionally deciding, as a family, to commit to the things that support our mission as a family.

Your family was created for a specific mission. God intentionally put your family together for a reason. What is that mission?

If you were not able to join us, I encourage you to spend some time with your family to discuss the following questions. FAMILY VALUES

Values—or principles or standards of behavior that are deemed important--- help shape family life and culture. These values can either support the family life we are trying to create, or they may be unhelpful or even harmful to our families. Sometimes, they are intentional choices, sometimes they are a default based on cultural norms. That is why it is important to have frequent family discussions about what values your family is embracing and living out in your home life and in the world and if this is what your family desires.

  1. List 5-10 words to describe your family.

  2. What is important to your family? What are your priorities?

  3. Ideally, what values would you like your family to embrace (see attached value sheet for some ideas)?

  4. Do your priorities reflect your desired values? Why or why not?

  5. How do you think your family can work toward your ideal family values?

  6. Choose one value to work on in the coming month. List practical ways that each member of your family can strive to live this value out.


Another way that your family can begin or continue to grow in these values is through the development of a family mission statement. A family mission statement is a concise and active phrase or several phrases that outline the values listed above. It is helpful to write these up and post them somewhere in your home where everyone can see them. This family mission statement does not have to be perfect today—it is something that will develop over time (and probably change as your family dynamics change in the future).

  1. What are the core values that you desire to highlight in your mission statement?

  2. Write the first draft of your mission statement here. You can use phrases like “In our family we will strive/embrace/create/live as....we are a family that....” or any other phrase you would like to use.

I hope that you will be able to join us at our next family program on October 21st at St. Bernard. We will be discussing how to prepare an environment in your home and your family life for prayer.

in Christ,


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Samantha El-Azem

414-258-2604; Email

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