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K3-5th Gr:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 

Desire to serve God and the children of our Tri-Parish Collaborative? Special training is needed to be a lead catechist, but assistants can serve at any time with assistant training.

You can also help with setup, being  hallway monitor and other tasks, which require no training!


*Note: To work with children, you will need to complete the necessary Safe Environment requirements. See below.



Contact Samantha El-Azem, Tri-Parish Director of Formation for Children at

Teen study group

6-8th Grade: Middle School Core Team

Ready to join our middle school core team? This team helps plan our middle school nights and is responsible for a small group of 6-8 students. No lesson planning needed! Formal teaching is done by the youth minister, so that our adults can focus on mentoring our students. 


*Note: To work with children, you will need to complete the necessary Safe Environment requirements. See above.



Contact Sarah Daszczuk, Tri-Parish Director of Youth Ministry at

Study Group

9-11th Grade: HS Alpha

We need great adults who love the Lord and our Catholic faith to mentor our high school students. Alpha is a place for teens to hear the Gospel, honestly discuss their beliefs, and respond. Table leaders are responsible for knowing the students at their table by name, praying for them regularly and helping facilitate discussion following the Alpha clips. Note: this is not a teaching role - it is a listening and “prodding” role. Your goal will be to help student give voice to their beliefs, introduce them to the Gospel, and help them figure out how to respond.


*Note: To work with children, you will need to complete the necessary Safe Environment requirements. See below.



Contact Sarah Daszczuk, Tri-Parish Director of Youth Ministry at


9-10th Grade: Small Group Leaders

We need great adults who love the Lord and our Catholic faith to mentor our high school students. Leaders will be responsible for knowing their 4-5 teens, praying for them daily, and leading them, as a mentor, during small group time, and complete one “group bonding” event with their group outside of Church. Small groups meet 6x in the Spring, for 90 minutes, similar to a Bible study with various topics.


*Note: To work with children, you will need to complete the necessary Safe Environment requirements. See below.



Contact Sarah Daszczuk, Tri-Parish Director of Youth Ministry at


11th Grade: Confirmation Coaches

We need great adults who love the Lord and our Catholic faith to mentor our Confirmation sponsors. Candidates preparing for Confirmation meet with their sponsor throughout the summer. To ensure that those sponsors are supported, we offer them each a "Confirmation Coach" who prays for them, maintains communication, and answers their questions. Confirmation leaders can also help plan and run the Confirmation retreats.



Contact Sarah Daszczuk, Tri-Parish Director of Youth Ministry at

HS Hospitality Coordinator or Volunteer

Environment is extremely important for good youth ministry. For big events, we like to offer a good meal, and we need your help! Volunteers are needed to help set up the space, plan the environment, welcome teens, and prepare food.


Contact Sarah Daszczuk, Tri-Parish Director of Youth Ministry at


All adults (18+) who work with minors are required to pass a background check every 5 years, adhere to a code of ethical standards, and to complete safe environment training. Training and background check are provided by the parish and diocese at no cost to our volunteers. Learn more about the Archdiocese' commitment to providing a safe environment for children and training here.

adult ministry

Bridget Bullio

414-258-2604; Email


2604 N. Swan Blvd.

Wauwatosa, WI 53226

CHild & Family

Samantha El-Azem

414-258-2604; Email

Sarah Daszczuk

414-258-2604; Email

YOUth Ministry

© 2018 by Tri-Parish Faith Formation

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